I love the celebration of the Easter Triduum –– I wait for it impatiently throughout all the season of Lent. Triduum is the goal, the culmination, the extraordinary endpoint of our journey through forty days in the Lenten desert. It is unlike any other moment in the Church’s liturgical calendar – it’s almost like stepping over a threshold, out of chronological time and into kairos time, into a sacred space unique in the depth of engagement it offers, and in the beauty of liturgy that graces it. Nothing, nothing, is like the Triduum liturgy, three awed days of total immersion, body, heart, and soul, into the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord. If you have never participated before, now is the time: you will never forget this incredible experience of time-out-of-time.
Join us first on Holy Thursday evening for the Feast of the
Lord’s Supper and recall Jesus kneeling humbly before his disciples to wash
their feet, then blessing, breaking, and sharing bread – the first Eucharist –
with his disciples… Process afterwards with us to O'Brien Hall for Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament…
Follow in Jesus’ footsteps on the Way of the Cross Friday
afternoon, and venerate the Wood of the Cross in remembrance of his death at
the most extraordinary Communion service of the liturgical year… Friday
evening, join Christians from all Mill Valley churches at the ecumenical Tenebrae service
graciously hosted by Peace Lutheran Church…
Witness the Light of Christ as it slowly fills Our Lady of
Mount Carmel Church on Holy Saturday evening, and hear the story of salvation
history, from Genesis to Romans… punctuated with a joyful Gloria that tells us
that Resurrection is at hand…
And then, at last, on Easter Sunday, join in the joyful
proclamation of Jesus Risen and know in the depth of your being God’s faithful
and abiding love…. Alleluia!
Come, be transformed… by Triduum!