Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 22nd 2012: Sunday Gospel Reflection

Mark 1:14-20  |  The Calling of the Fishermen
 Today’s Gospel reading tells the story of Jesus calling four fishermen to be four of his 12 Apostles: Andrew, Simon, James and John. Notice that Jesus did not give them a test first or go searching for the best and the brightest, he found normal people (like you and I) and asked them to follow them, and they did!

In this passage the fishermen were open to possibility of God’s presence working in their life and were willing to take a risk to follow the Lord when he called them by name.

God calls us by name too if we are willing to listen to His voice like Samuel did in last Sunday’s First Reading. Jesus does not call us with an iPhone or a Super Bowl commercial but through the small, quiet voice within each of us. We need to find time each and every day to be quiet and still, to take deep breaths and to listen to God’s voice remind us that He is always with us, that He always loves us, and calling us to be the best versions of ourselves. When we talk with God we will hear Him calling us by name to be his hands and feet in this world. As Saint Theresa of Avila said, “God has no body now but yours”. As Jesus said in today’s Gospel, The Kingdom of God is at hand. We are not waiting for God’s Kingdom in the ‘next life’. We are already living in eternal life here on earth. Our responsibility is to make God’s presence felt and known here in Mill Valley so that thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. We do this by sharing our faith with everyone we meet both through our actions and words.

Blessed Mother Teresa used to say that God does not ask us to be successful but faithful. This week let us try to be like the first Apostles who had no idea what they were getting themselves into, but were open to God’s presence and were faithful in following Jesus.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion
-What times in my day do I regularly find time to listen to God’s voice?
-What is the most difficult thing about hearing God’s voice?
-How is God asking me to take a risk and follow Him?
-How can I make God’s loving presence felt in my home? School? Workplace? Teams?
-Who is someone I need to share God’s loving presence with in a special way this week?

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