Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sunday Gospel Reflection: August 5th 2012

(John 6:24-35)

God feeds us with eternal food that makes us free

In the First Reading this Sunday we hear the story about Moses and the Israelites, how, after Moses freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt they wandered in the desert toward the land that God had promised to them. When they were hungry in the desert many complained to Moses and wished they were back in slavery where at least they had regular meals to eat. That night God sent quail for them to eat and the next morning bread poured like rain from the sky to feed them. God met their needs out of love for them. Though slavery is often more convenient it is less human, less what God created us for; as God’s people we are made for freedom.

As a parallel story, in today’s Gospel the crowds follow Jesus after the multiplication of the loaves to feed 5,000 people. They followed Jesus because he fed them. Jesus saw they were hungry and provided for their needs. Jesus promised them and promises to us that he will give us the bread of God…which comes down from heaven and gives life for the world. Jesus himself is that bread; He is our food. This is a radical Christian idea that we are nourished and fulfilled when we eat the bread of life, when we take into ourselves the person of Jesus, not just an idea or ‘path’ that he shows to us. Jesus is not just a model or a prophet with a good idea, He is very different than Muhammad, Buddha, Kahlil Gibran or Eckhart Tolle. Jesus is God and we are God’s beloved sons and daughters and through Jesus, the Son of God, we are co-heirs to divine life as Jesus’ sisters and brothers. Our response as Christians is to claim that identity and to life in a manner worthy of the call you have received. Jesus continues to feed us when we come to him in prayer and in the Eucharist as we receive and become the Body of Christ. In Jesus alone we become truly free, for as Augustine said, you have made us for yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion
-What am I a slave to that distances me from God? Negative behaviors, addictions, technology, work, wealth, popularity, etc.?
-What help do I need to break out of slavery and allow God to fill and heal me? More time in prayer, discipline, a community of accountability and support, counseling, etc.?
-When do I find time regular for God to nourish/feed me?
-Do I believe that Jesus feeds me in the Eucharist and that He desires to be with me?

Photo Credit 1, 2

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