Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sunday Gospel Reflection: December 23rd 2012

(Luke 1:39-45)

In today’s Gospel we hear the story of The Visitation of Mary to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s pregnancy (with her son John the Baptist) was seen as miraculous since she was advanced in years, and Mary went to assist her with her pregnancy. This scene in the Gospel account takes place immediately after The Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would be the Mother of Jesus. I’m sure that Mary looked forward to some quiet travel time to think and pray through what had just taken place!
 When Mary arrived she is greeted by Elizabeth who says: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. This phrase makes up part of the Hail Mary prayer as those words of blessing Mary’s ‘yes’ to God echo through history. Elizabeth goes onto say: Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled. Elizabeth is celebrating Mary’s great faith and trust in God.

In these final days of Advent as we prepare for Jesus to be born in our lives we are invited to reflect on our own faith and trust in God. Do I listen to the voice of God in my life? Do I trust in God’s promise that I am the beloved daughter/son of God and that God has a royal plan for me? Am I willing to trust in God even if it means not being sure or in control of what will happen in my life both in small and significant decisions? What does saying yes to God mean letting go of?

When we open our hearts to God we become sensitive and vulnerable to God and allow God to heal us, bless us and to be born in our lives today.

Fourth Sunday of Advent Prayer
Father, all-powerful God, your eternal Word took flesh on our earth when the Virgin Mary placed her life at the service of your plan. Lift our minds in watchful hope to hear the voice which announces his glory, and open our minds to receive the Spirit who prepares us for his coming. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Loyola Press)

Image credits: 1, 2

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