Sunday, March 20, 2022

Their barren hearts (Denise Levertov)

Literal minds! Embarrassed humans! His friends 

were blushing for Him 

in secret; wouldn't admit they were shocked.

They thought Him

petulant to curse me! -- yet how could the Lord

be unfair? -- so they looked away,

then and now.

But I, I knew that

helplessly barren though I was,

my day had come. I served

Christ the Poet,

who spoke in images: I was at hand,

a metaphor for their failure to bring forth

what is within them (as figs

were not within me). They who had walked 

in His sunlight presence,

they could have ripened,

could have perceived His thirst and hunger,

His innocent appetite;

they could have offered

human fruits--compassion, comprehension--

without being asked,

without being told of need. My absent fruits

stood for their barren hearts.  He cursed

not me, not them, but

(ears that hear not, eyes that see not)

their dullness, that withholds

gifts unimagined

--Denise Levertov, What the Figtree Said           

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