Sunday, September 1, 2024

To go deeper into the heart of God (Crystal Caruana Sullivan)

    We must approach [the law] with discernment, that process of decision-making where we prayerfully, patiently, seek relationship with God to understand God’s mysterious and hidden wisdom – that we may know how it is we are called to live.

*Discernment, a gift from God leads us to God’s wisdom.
*God’s law can be trusted
*Jesus invites us to go deeper than the legalism of the Pharisees
*The spirit leads us in discernment to God’s wisdom 

   These are lessons for our spiritual journey. None of them simple. But all of them important as we cultivate a life of prayer and response to God. A “rule book” may work as a moral guide for a three-year-old. But we need something more than the prescriptive starting point or set of rules or list of laws. We need Jesus. We need Jesus, who takes us deeper into the mystery of God’s wisdom – who invites us to go deeper into the heart of God as we live into God’s kingdom. And this is the harder route – because it requires that we choose – each and every day – to surrender our complicated opinions and relationship with the law – and to trust in God, to show us how to follow. Amen. 

--Crystal Caruana Sullivan 

Image source: A Sephardic Torah scroll rolled to the first paragraph of the Shema,
Quotation source

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