Friday, September 30, 2022

Faith has an amazing power (Sia Nyasari Temu)

   Faith has an amazing power to transform our lives from a situation of despair to a hopeful one. Faith has the ability to empower us to act, to believe in the power bigger than ourselves, which is working within us to achieve a better future. 

    Faith is a powerful image for people who feel powerless, to be able to imagine a new future, where they can regain their power again, where they can reconnect and feel whole once again and see the possibilities of the present. Faith involves a prophetic imagination to be able to imagine new symbols and new images which will motivate and inspire people to act in ways that transform structures of injustice into processes of justice and freedom. Faith calls for patience and perseverance… 

    It is not surprising that the disciples appeal to Jesus: Increase our faith! (Luke 17:5). Jesus does not give his disciples an easy answer to their request for faith. And the amazing thing is what even a little faith can do. Jesus told his disciples if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, they could command a mulberry tree to be uprooted and moved to the sea. This is an image Jesus is using to illustrate the power of faith, no matter how small that faith is. He is aware that it is when we believe in something that we are able to realize it. Indeed, Jesus is not talking of a magic way of doing things, rather it is the role faith plays in realizing our vision, dreams, and desires. 

--Sia Nyasari Temu, MM 

Image source: Quotation source

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