Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Mary, wellspring of goodness (Pope Benedict XVI / Ruben Ortega)

You abandoned yourself completely
 to God’s call and thus became
a wellspring of the goodness
that flows forth from him.
Show us Jesus. Lead us to him.

--Pope Benedict XVI 

     A large part of Mary’s days were, without doubt, completely normal. She spent many hours on domestic tasks: preparing food, cleaning the house and clothing, and ever weaving wool or linen tailoring her family’s clothing. She would arrive exhausted at the end of the day, but with joy of one who knows that this apparently simple tasks had a wonderful supernatural efficiency and that by doing well her work she was carrying out one of the first works of the Redemption. 

--Ruben Ortega 

In May we celebrate Mary...

Image source: Piotr Stachiewicz, Sobotni Promyk (Saturday’s Ray),
Quotation source 1
Quotation source 2

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