Monday, May 13, 2024

Taken up into heaven (Bishop Robert Barron)

   Mark [offers a] very laconic account of the Ascension: "Then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God." 

   Now, don’t literalize this language—there aren’t chairs in heaven—but take it very seriously indeed. What Mark is suggesting is that Jesus is now reigning; he’s in the attitude of a king on his throne. This means that he is directing the things of earth from his place in heaven. Again, don’t think of this spatially, as though heaven were a long way away. Think of heaven as a dimension that overlaps with earth, that impinges on earth. 

   And this is why the Ascension forces us to come to grips with a key question: Whom do we finally obey? Whom do we finally serve? Who, finally, is the king of our life? We legitimately obey all sorts of figures—political, cultural, artistic, etc.—but there is always an ultimate king, someone (or something) from which we take our definitive marching orders.

--Bishop Robert Barron, Gospel Reflection, April 25, 2023 

Image source 1: Ford Madox Brown, The Ascension (19th c.)
Image source 2: Ascension, Drogo Sacramentary (ca. 850),

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