Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Am I sailing with him? (Pope Francis)

   How do I react when I am afraid, in difficulties? Do I go ahead alone, with my own strength, or do I call on the Lord with trust? And what is my faith like? Do I believe that Christ is stronger than the adversarial waves and winds? But above all: Am I sailing with him? Do I welcome him? Do I make room for him in the boat of my life – never alone, always with Jesus? Do I hand the helm over to Jesus? In the dark crossings, may Mary, the mother of Jesus, Star of the Sea, help us to seek the light of Jesus. 

--Pope Francis, Angelus, August 13th, 2023 

Image source: Eugène Delacroix, Christ Asleep During the Tempest (ca.1853),; see also: 
Quotation source

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