Sunday, July 21, 2024

Bringing God's salvation (Sr. Joan Chittister / Pope Francis)

Compassion is the thread of God
that runs through the soul of the human race.

 --Sr. Joan Chittister 

    For Jesus, bringing God's salvation to all was the greatest happiness, the mission, the meaning of his existence (cf. Gal 6:38) or, as he says, his nourishment (cf. Gal 4:34). And in every word and action with which we unite ourselves to Him, in the beautiful adventure of giving love, light and joy multiply (cfr Is 9,2): not only around us, but also in us. To proclaim the Gospel, then, is not time wasted: it is to be happier by helping others; it is to free oneself by helping others to be free; it is to become better by helping others to be better! 

--Pope Francis, March 13, 2024 

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