Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Made for another world (C.S. Lewis / Thomas Salerno)

If I find in myself desires which
nothing in this world can satisfy,
the only logical explanation is that
I was made for another world.

―C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

    Every human being has cosmic significance. God created this vast and astonishing universe not only as an expression of his creative omnipotence, but also so that he could have a personal relationship with you and with every other person. 

    Some might dismiss such a worldview as naively anthropocentric. I disagree; it’s fundamentally theocentric. God is love (cf. 1 John 4:16), and he created the cosmos out of love in order to give life to creatures he could love and who could freely choose to love him in return. Love is the fundamental law of the universe, far more than any physical law of electromagnetism, gravity, or entropy. 

    The French Jesuit and paleoanthropologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin envisioned creation as a dynamic, ongoing process. He speculated that everything in the universe was evolving towards an ultimate unification, a dramatic and final climax he called the “Omega Point.” Teilhard’s particular ideas about progressive evolution might have been mistaken, but certainly Scripture reveals to us that at the eschaton when Christ returns in glory and history arrives at its consummation, he will draw all things to himself and “make all things new” (Revelation 21:5). 

--Thomas J. Salerno 

Quotation 1 source
Image and Quotation 2 source: https://www.wordonfire.org/articles/contributors/spiritual-insights-from-nasas-james-webb-space-telescope/?fbclid=IwAR0eTogMJU2ktzyVNtPVG4jtLaNMOJB6bbke0gQZGsnsk9GVsM1XRyr9F2k

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