Friday, July 26, 2024

God will magnify it (Fr. James Martin)

   Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed with life’s problems, whether in our families, our churches, our countries or our world. And we can feel powerless to do anything in the face of these problems. 

   But [Sunday’s] gospel, in which Jesus multiplies five loaves and two fish to feed a vast crowd, shows us that we only need to bring whatever we can into the world, and God will magnify it. 

   Notice, in the Gospel, that the one who brings the loaves and fishes to the disciples is a boy, who was probably prompted to do that by his parents. They gave what little they had. 

   We can do the same, even in the face of overwhelming odds: Love as you can, give as you can, forgive as you. And trust that God will magnify what you bring. 

--Fr. James Martin,
Facebook, July 25, 2021

Image source: Fish and Loaves, Byzantine mosaic, Chapel of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, Tabgha,

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