Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The wide-open pastures of our faith (Fr. Timothy Radcliffe)

    We are gathered in this Synod because we too are divided and hope and pray for unity of heart and mind. This should be our precious witness in a world which is torn apart by conflict and inequality. The Body of Christ should embody that peace which Jesus promised and for which the world longs. 

    [I have identified] two sources of division: Our conflicting hopes and different visions of the Church as home. But there is no need for these tensions to tear us apart. We are bearers of a hope beyond hope, and the spacious home of the Kingdom in which the Lord tells us there are ‘many dwelling places’ (John 14.1). 

    Of course not every hope or opinion is legitimate. But orthodoxy is spacious and heresy is narrow. The Lord leads his sheep out of the small enclosure of the sheepfold into the wide-open pastures of our faith. At Easter, he will lead them out of the small locked room into the unbounded vastness of God, ‘God’s plenty.’ 

--Fr. Timothy Radcliffe 

Image source: https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/what-does-it-mean-that-jesus-is-our-shepherd-today.html 
Quotation source

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