Friday, August 9, 2024

Food for the journey (Bishop Robert Barron)

    For Thomas Aquinas, the great metaphor for the Eucharist is sustenance, food for the journey. The Eucharist is daily food, sustenance for the journey, nourishment to get us through the day to day. How effective would we be if we never ate, or ate only on special occasions and in a festive environment? Not very. So, in the spiritual life, we must eat and drink or we will not have strength. 

    Is this just meant in some vague symbolic way? No, rather in a vividly analogical way. For just as the body needs physical nourishment, the spirit needs spiritual nourishment, and there is no getting around this law. 

    “Well, it’s no big deal if I stay away from Mass and refrain from receiving Communion.” Think again!

--Bishop Robert Barron,
Gospel Reflection, June 19, 2022 

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