Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The celebration of Eucharist (Fr. Robert P. Imbelli)

   I have long insisted that the richest theological event that we experience is the celebration of the Eucharist on the Lord’s Day. It is the matrix of all our Christian living and Christian thinking. At the beginning of the most solemn part of that celebration the priest admonishes the congregation: “Sursum corda!”—“Lift up your hearts!” Lift them up to the Lord who is both present and ever coming. And, lifting them up, let us widen them further by giving thanks to the Lord our God. Thanks, because all we have is gift. The gift of our very being. The gift of our redemption in Christ. The gift of everlasting life that is the communion of holy ones rejoicing in the vivifying presence of the Triune God—indeed, truly partaking in God’s glory. 

--Fr. Robert P. Imbelli 

Image source: Fr. Patrick Michaels celebrates Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, April 28, 2024,
Quotation source

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