Friday, August 2, 2024

To break bread with one another (Crystal Catalan)

   I don’t think we will ever know the true power of the sacred gift that God offers us in having the gift of one another, but l do believe it is worth finding out - more and more each and every day. And to live it, with faith, joy, and without expectation. But first, we have to show up - ready to take, give and receive our daily bread. And to be open to our God of surprises. 

   [Once we do, we] are able to break bread with one another through the Eucharist, and celebrate this sacred meal together. To offer peace to one another, and acknowledge that this bread is for all of us - regardless of the worst things we have each ever done. In that holy moment, communion is shared and Jesus is present. And that’s how I think it is with the Lord. We are gathered at table, and we are one in God. 

   And I think that is also where the invitation lies - to make space, regardless of the size of the room, to be with one another and to not only look for ways to be bread to one another, but to simply be there and show up when moments do arise. 

--Crystal Catalan 

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