Thursday, August 15, 2024

Worthy to be eternally with God (Karl Rahner)

   The Church proclaims in this truth concerning Mary, that the flesh is saved. The flesh is already saved. The beginning has already been made, in a woman, a human being of our race, who has wept, suffered, and died like the rest. The poor flesh that some hate and others worship, is already judged worthy to be eternally with God, eternally saved and acknowledged. Not only in the Son of the Father, who comes “from above,” but in one of our race who, like us, was from “here below.” 

   Flesh was created by the Father on high, redeemed by the Son, made holy by the Spirit, and it is already saved forever. The Church looks on high and greets in Mary her own type and model, her own future in the resurrection of the body. 

--Karl Rahner, Mary Mother of the Lord 

Today is the Solemnity of
the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary! 

Image source 1:  Tim Langenderfer, Assumption of Mary,
Image source 2: Assumption of the Virgin, detail of the tympanum of the Porta della Mandorla, Duomo, Florence (1414-1421),

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