Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Why we come to church (Fr. Patrick Michaels)

   What is truly sufficient for us to live our faith is to open our hearts and to love one another, to celebrate this love as a community. We don’t come to church because we have a rule telling us we have to. We come to church to be with one another, to spend time with one another, to celebrate a love that is within us, so that we can go out into that world and we can share that love much more broadly. Our world is alienated and it is alienating and we participate in that alienation when we close ourselves down. We were meant to be an access to God’s love. That’s what our baptism was about: to give people access. 

--Fr. Patrick Michaels, Homily, May 5, 2024 

1 comment:

  1. To renew my love because once I was running out of love to give
