Thursday, November 1, 2012

A land flowing with milk and honey...

In our reading from the Book of Deuteronomy this weekend, Moses tells the people that if they keep all God’s statutes and commandments, God promises to give them a land flowing with milk and honey.  Does he mean it literally? 

The expression in Hebrew, zavat halav u'dvash translates as flowing with milk and honey.  But we’re not exactly talking about cows and bees here.  In fact, the milk in question is the kind that flows from goats’ udders, while the honey in question is the liquid that gushes from ripe dates and figs.  Interestingly, the expression milk and honey eventually came to be associated (by extension) with mother’s milk & bees’ honey, “the only two kosher substances which are derived from a non-kosher source (bees and people are not kosher). The implication is that the Land of Israel has the spiritual energy to purify even the impure” (source 1).

Geographically, the expression refers to the Promised Land, Canaan, which lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan (map below), a region blessed by God with fertile land, therefore representing God’s abundance in the form of riches bestowed on the people of Israel.  The land is not just “naturally” so; it is especially fertile when and only when it receives the constant care of God.  It is a land that is meant to nourish the Israelites so they can be fruitful and multiply. 

Spiritually, the expression is a bit more complex.  One Jewish scholar has written that the Promised Land is, “a land that makes it necessary for its inhabitants to be good” (see source 3 Interestingly, this is related to the nature of the milk and honey described:  the Hebrew word suggests not just ordinary milk, but cream, the richest part of the liquid.  Likewise, “honey” is the special essence of dates or figs.  The Israelites knew that the gift of their deliverance from Egypt was conditional upon their obedience to God, that obedience being the best part of themselves; their own offering of the best they had, the best they were, would bring back to them the best part of what God had to offer the human race.  And our own Promised Land?  The Kingdom of Heaven, of course!

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