Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sunday Gospel Reflection, January 18, 2015: Here I am, Lord; I come to do Your will...

Are you ready to answer the call?

Our readings this Sunday all remind us that each and every one of us is called.  We all have a vocation – from the Latin vocare, to call – a way God calls us to act in concert with God’s will, to serve God’s mission here on earth.  Do we respond, like Samuel, Here I am!  Do we then act on our yes?

Samuel is called in the night as he minds the oil lamp in the temple, the flame that allows God’s presence to be known.  From the time God appears to Samuel, calling him to intimate relationship, Samuel turns toward the Lord; God is and will be his sole focus for his entire life, because he has attuned his inner ear to hearing the Lord’s call.  His ears, as Psalm 40 suggests, are open to obedience; to do God’s will is Samuel’s delight.

And it’s not just our spiritual essence that has to respond to God’s call:  as Paul reminds the Corinthians, our physical bodies have a responsibility to engage as well.  Having its origin in God, the transformation of our physical body should be in the direction God intends:  your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, Paul says.  All that is energy within us, including sexual energy, must therefore be channeled not to our own ends, but to God’s, so as to bring honor to God.  Jesus understood this:  at his own baptism, John tells us in the Gospel, Jesus devoted his entire self, body and spirit, to his Father’s will:  Behold, the Lamb of God, John the Baptist says to his disciples, behold the sacrifice, the suffering servant, called to offer himself for the sake of all others.  Even at this early date, the disciples understand the significance of Jesus’ physical presence:  where are you staying? they ask him, willing and able to follow the teacher, body and spirit, willing to respond to the call.
Are we ready to follow Jesus, body and spirit?  
Are we ready to answer the call?
This post is based on Fr. Pat's Scripture class.
Image source:  Wordle

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