Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sunday Gospel Reflection, May 31, 2015: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

What does an intimate relationship with God look like? 

Though it may be difficult to grasp entirely, we have our model in the Holy Trinity, a manifestation of the relationship of perfect union for which we strive throughout the entire journey of our lives.  To come to know and experience God is the ultimate task of our lives as Christians, for God is relational:  God chooses relationship, chooses to be in relationship with humankind.  

Hence Moses, in Deuteronomy, asks the people to ask themselves:  have I encountered and engaged the God who created all things?  Do I have an appreciation of the singular relationship God calls me to?  God made us, Psalm 33 reminds us; God breathed his Spirit into us, spoke one Word and we were created.  Blessed are we whom the Lord has chosen to be his own!  This is, implicitly, an evocation of Trinity.

Jesus, Matthew tells us, has the power of the Father to give life, and he passes that power on to the Church through the Spirit:  Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations… The Church gives life by baptizing and by teaching what Jesus has commanded, namely, love of God and love of neighbor.  Witnessing the disciples’ doubt, Jesus draws closer to them, reminding them that he is with them always, until the end of the age.  And thus is His Spirit passed on to us, the Church, so that we might remain in him, remain, that is, in the relationship that is so central to our identity as Christians.  This is why we can call God Abba, Daddy, as Paul tells the Romans:  the word is an affectionate expression of connection based in intimacy and origin, signaling our hope to be united in relationship with God.  We are not simply creatures, created to exist on this earth:  we are children of God, and joint heirs with Christ, because God has chosen to enter into relationship with us, a relationship exemplified by the Trinity, a relationship shared, in all its awesome wonder, with us as God draws us ever closer into the love that is Trinitarian, the love that is eternal life.

This post is based on Fr. Pat's Scripture class.
Image source:  Wordle

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