Saturday, June 20, 2020

Even the desert seemed promising - a poem for World Refugees Day

In foreign lands
you’ve searched for the friendly aroma
familiar textures
alleyways that could house your city
your nation
your planet fragmented in shards
in the weathered clay pots
on window sills of old houses
through the narrow vision of chickenwire
the desolate landscape as seen through iron bars
on the fleeting serpentine figures of busy women
and the motherly bosoms of old widows.
Even the desert seemed promising
when your thirst turned delirious
and scorpions seemed sympathetic.
Now not even a breeze
in the graveyard
you mistook for an oasis.

On World Refugee Day 2020, let us remember that the members of the Holy Family were once refugees.  By some reports, almost 70,000 migrant children were held in US government custody apart from their parents in 2019.  Today there are refugees all over the world in need of our prayers and support.  To read more about ways you can help, visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website, here.

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