Friday, October 4, 2024

Return to the heart (St. Francis of Assisi / Pope Francis)

If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of compassion and pity,
you will have men who will deal likewise
with their fellow men.

 --St. Francis of Assisi 

    Brothers and sisters, let us not be afraid to strip ourselves of worldly trappings and return to the heart, returning to what is essential. Let us think of Saint Francis, who after stripping himself embraced with his entire being the Father in heaven. Let us acknowledge what we are: dust loved by God, called to be dust in love with God. Thanks to him, we will be reborn from the ashes of sin to new life in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit. 

--Pope Francis

Today is the Feast of St. Francis,
one of the patrons of our Archdiocese!

Bring your pets to be blessed at 5:30pm today!

Image source:
Quotation source 1
Quotation source 2

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