[The disciples] have been called to a radical change in their lives. Nothing about their lives will be the same. Nothing will be about their expectations; it will be about learning what God’s expectations are.
Once Christ begins to move in our lives, once Christ begins to speak to our hearts, we cannot go back, because we cannot change that fact. We can fight, we can insist on doing what we want to do and going where we want to go. We can say we want everything our way, but that doesn’t mean that he is going to leave, and it doesn’t mean that his call is going to stop – it will continue…
And we will be called again and again to proclaim good news with our lives, to be a people of resurrection, not of death, to embrace our world, not to reject it for its evil. For once you reject something, you can’t easily draw it back, but if you love the world, you then have the ability to have an effect on it, and that is what Jesus Christ came to do: to love this world, and everything that is in it.
--Fr. Patrick Michaels,
Homily, Sunday, January 21, 2024
Image source: Fr. Patrick Michaels, Christ Has Compassion on the Crowds (1984), https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=912444854254263&set=pb.100064662700877.-2207520000&type=3
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