Monday, February 13, 2012

God's Only Son...


“We, too, are each a unique child of God.”  The Creed is written “to call humanity to fullness.  It provides a paragon of what I myself can be.  It promises the fulfillment of what now I can only hope for in the basest part of me – that I, too, was made for glory, that I too can grow into the truest part of me, that even I can become what I was made to be out of the substance of divinity… God comes alive in us only after we learn to live in God.  Jesus, the human who proves that divinity is our calling, is the sign of our call to do that, our ability to do that… When I say, ‘I believe in Jesus Christ, the unique, the only child of God,’ I am praying to become the relationship I seek in my own heart.”

Practical:  Repeat this phrase throughout the day, echoing God’s word to Jesus, that He also speaks to us: “this is my beloved son/daughter in who I am well pleased.”

Quotations from Benedictine sister Joan Chittister’s book In Search of Belief, which explores the Apostles’ Creed phrase by phrase, demonstrating how the Creed is not a static set of rules or statements, but a living document that speaks to the deepest meaning of our existence and serves as a life guide, calling all of us to engage more deeply in relationship with God and with each other.  Sr. Chittister’s thoughts challenge us to live the Creed more fully as Christians; her writing is thought-provoking and inspirational.

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