Monday, February 6, 2012

I believe in Jesus Christ...


Jesus, the Creed calls us to realize, stands before us, the clearest, sharpest, most abundant picture we have of the face of God.  And how can we be sure of that?  Because Jesus is what we know in our hearts God must surely be:  compassionate, just, merciful, loving, and on the other side of every boundary.  It is Jesus with the Samaritan Woman, Jesus with the little children, Jesus with the prisoner, Jesus immersed in God that I must become if the Creator-God is ever to see divinity come to fullness of life in me as well… When I say, ‘ I believe in Jesus,’ I am saying that I believe in a way of life above and beyond what anything else challenges me to be.”

Practical:  Choose one story of Jesus that inspires you, read it again, identify and ponder its central lesson, and then live it this week.  You might choose from one of the following stories in the Gospel of Mark, for example, The Healing of the Paralytic Let Down Through the Roof or The Poor Widow's Contribution.

Quotations from Benedictine sister Joan Chittister’s book In Search of Belief, which explores the Apostles’ Creed phrase by phrase, demonstrating how the Creed is not a static set of rules or statements, but a living document that speaks to the deepest meaning of our existence and serves as a life guide, calling all of us to engage more deeply in relationship with God and with each other.  Sr. Chittister’s thoughts challenge us to live the Creed more fully as Christians; her writing is thought-provoking and inspirational.

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