Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sunday Gospel Reflection: December 30th, 2012

Luke 2:41-52

Happy Feast of the Holy Family! It is fitting that in the days after all the festivities of Christmas that we are reminded of the necessity and value of our relationships by remembering the Holy Family. We are born into relationships whether we like it or not and in the midst of our family we grow—sometimes straight, sometimes crooked. Yet God, in His wisdom and love, has given us family to be for us a reminder of God’s fatherly, motherly, and brotherly love. Family life isn’t always neat and pretty, but we are called to love those whom God has placed in our lives. Pope John Paul II called the family the home-church, for the family is where we first learn that we are loved, are invited to love in return, and are first taught about Jesus through word and action. May the love, sacrifice and holiness of the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be an inspiration and intercession for us. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph-Pray for us.

Discussion Starters
-Share: What is your favorite thing to do together as a family?
-One way we can grow closer as family is by…
-God spoke to Joseph in his dreams, how do I hear God speaking to me?
-Would I be willing to move my family or to make a meaningful change in my life if I thought God wanted me to?

Family Activity
-Write a family creed of what you believe and value
-Have everyone say or write a note about something they love about each other

Bulletin 2.0
-Google ‘Holy Family’ | click on ‘Images’ | talk about which image you like the best and what the image is supposed to make you think/feel about the Holy Family

Christmas Season and New Year Prayer
Dear Jesus, you were born into our world 2,000 years ago in the simple and quiet manger in Bethlehem, the City of Bread. We pray that during this Christmas season that we may celebrate your quiet presence born in our hearts and in our faith community gathered to receive you in simple bread and wine. May the celebration of your birth inspire us as we enter into a new year to make goals and set aside time to grow closer to you and for you to be born into our lives and shared with others this year.

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