Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sunday Gospel Reflection: January 6th, 2013

Matthew 2:1-12   

Happy Feast of the Epiphany!

Today we celebrate the Epiphany, the ‘appearance’ or ‘manifestation’ of Jesus as the Son of God to the three wise men (Magi) who brought Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh. While Christmas celebrates Jesus’ actual birth, his becoming incarnate (in-‘carne’, flesh/man), today we celebrate the moments of realization (that can only lead to extreme joy) that this baby who has been born is the Son of God! It is one thing for Jesus to come to earth, it is another thing for people (like us) to recognize Him as God and adore Him.

Today’s celebration is especially meaningful for us because we can celebrate the time or moments when we have had our own epiphanies that Jesus is God and deeply loves us. Epiphany is not about reading facts in a book or believing because someone else told you to, but about feeling and knowing deep down with your heart and soul that Jesus is God, the King of the world, and loves us more than anyone. When we know that we can begin to see God within us and all around us; we are filled with JOY!

To be ‘Christian’ is to live that joy, to respond to God loving us first by loving Him in return. The wise men brought material gifts to Jesus and laid them at his feet. What gifts will we give to Jesus in return? Jesus gave us His life to us; can we give our lives back to Him?

Discussion Starters
-Have you ever had an epiphany moment where you realized or strongly felt Jesus’ loving presence? When?
-Imagine yourself traveling a long distance to meet Jesus. What gift would you bring Him? And why?
-Jesus gave His whole life to us as a gift, how can we give of ourselves to each other and Jesus this week? (think practically!)

Gospel in Action
-Decide as a family to give a gift (material or an act of service) for someone else/another family!
-Pray for those who might not know God’s love for them, those people who need an epiphany.

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