Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I have seen the Lord!

In today’s Gospel reading, Mary Magdalene encounters Jesus at the tomb… and she doesn’t recognize him!  How is this possible, we might ask?  Yet, is our experience of Jesus all that different?  Is it not possible for us to encounter Jesus daily, in those we meet, family, friends, colleagues, even perfect strangers?  And yet, how often do we recognize him in them?  

Mary Magdalene does eventually recognize Jesus, when he speaks her name:  Mary.  Like Mary Magdalene, we are called to wait for Jesus’ voice; like her, we are called to see him when he appears before us; like her, we are called to name him, acknowledge him.  And, like Mary Magdalene, we are called to bring the good news to all:  I have seen the Lord!

Where will you see the Lord today?   And whom will you tell?

Image source:  Le Christ ressuscité apparaît à Marie-Madeleine, 14th-century wood carving, Notre-Dame-de-Paris, Paris, France.

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