Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sunday Gospel Reflection, April 19, 2015: The love of God is truly perfected in him...

Do you know the Risen Christ?

Jesus appears several times to his disciples after the Resurrection.  For example, in our gospel reading from Luke this Sunday, Jesus reveals himself to his disciples both in the Word and in the Breaking of the Bread.  In so doing, he transforms their meal, opening their minds, and their hearts, and inviting them – Peace be with you – to let go of what is holding them down – their doubts, their unbelief, their sin and fear – so that they, too might be transformed.  And then, fully present to them, body and spirit, Jesus asks them to enter into his death and rising with him so that they might be his witnesses to all that is written, so that they might preach repentance in his name.

Peter has been doing just that throughout Jerusalem, as we read in Acts this week, witnessing not only to all that God has done, but to the forgiveness Peter himself has experienced in his own life.  Peter calls his listeners to do the same: to know the risen Jesus, to know the power of his death and resurrection at work in their lives.  Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away, he tells them, for Jesus, as the epistle-writer John tells us, is expiation for our sins (1 John).  And, once they are in right relationship with God, Psalm 4 assures them, they will fall peacefully asleep, able to enjoy God’s countenance shining upon them, and the gladness God puts in their hearts.

Do you know the Risen Christ?
(Hint:  for starters, he’s present in the Word and in the Breaking of the Bread!)

This post is based on Fr. Pat's Scripture class.
Image source:  Wordle

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