Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 8th 2012: Easter Sunday Gospel Reflection

John 20:1-9

We are an Easter people and our song is ALLELUIA! -St. Augustine

Amen, we are an Easter people. Easter is the reason we are Christians. Easter is our hope! Today we celebrate the most joyful news ever told: Jesus, our Lord was put to death but rose from the dead! We do not believe this is myth or parable but a real historical event. When we gather each Sunday to celebrate the Lord’s Day/Sabbath we are re-membering (making present again) and celebrating Easter. Jesus’ death and resurrection happened once in history but continues to be made real and present in our lives when we gather together as a community. He promised to be with us, in His Church (His people gathered together) and in the Eucharist, through the power of His Holy Spirit. May you feel and know God’s spirit today and always!

I hope today above all days you will celebrate love and joy. Eat and drink good things, laugh, be joyful, and share love in extravagance to celebrate God’s overflowing love for you. We look forward to continuing to celebrate that love both on special feast days and in the everyday moments of life. God’s loving presence is always there for us. On days like Easter it can be very clear, but we need each other to remind us that even on sadder or more normal and busy days His promise of love and resurrection is still there to overcome anything that holds us down. Rooted in the truth of the Resurrection may we be a people of Joy today and always for "Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God." -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

 Amen, ALLELUIA!  

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