Thursday, April 26, 2012

I know mine, and mine know me...

The modern world doesn’t hold shepherds in terribly high esteem:  their job is dirty and exhausting and perhaps even thankless.  Yet in the time of Jesus, shepherds were important; like David, they were both leaders and companions, offering guidance but also love and intimacy to their flocks.

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus the Good Shepherd reminds us that the intimacy he shares with the Father, he is also extending to us:  I know mine, and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father.  The relationship he is describing is not casual or superficial:  Jesus is willing to lay down his life for his sheep.  This bespeaks of a profound relationship grounded in God’s Love, a relationship open to all, if only we open our hearts to accept it.

God loved us into existence; God’s Love is what makes it possible for us to be called the children of God.  To embrace Christ’s presence, his death and rising, in our lives is to enter into that relationship, to embrace the fullness of the experience, to enjoy closeness with God.  It is a taste – but only a taste – of the perfect union that will be heaven, when there will be one flock, one shepherd.  And if Jesus the Good Shepherd is our companion, what might we be for one another, day to day, here on earth?

See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we might be called children of God!

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