Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 27th 2012: Sunday Gospel Reflection

Jesus promised that He would send a helper and advocate to be with the Apostles after He ascended into Heaven. Today we celebrate when Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to be with His Apostles at Pentecost (which literally means, on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection) and the Holy Spirit continues to be the way that God comes to us today. The world Spirit in Greek “pneuma” means breath, for God’s Spirit is closer to us than even our own breath! Yet God does not force His way into our hearts, He calls to us to be open to Him so that we might breathe deeply and let the Spirit’s healing love dwell with us and strengthen us.

Oftentimes the presence of the Holy Spirit is most easily recognized through our conscience, leading us to making the right decision, and helping us when we are in need of guidance (or when we don’t think we need guidance!). Jesus also promised that when we gather as a community that He is there in our midst. God’s Spirit is most fully present to us when we gather as a community to celebrate the Sacraments, those outward signs instituted by Jesus to make Him present to us (grace). The Holy Spirit is what makes the Sacraments transformative and makes broken hearts healed, unites two persons into one flesh, and transforms bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus.

We can see this transformation in action distinctly at Mass at a moment called the epiclesis (pronounced like EpiPen…’epi’….cleesis), where the priest extends his hands over the gifts and calls down the power of the Holy Spirit to transform the bread and wine praying Lord let your Spirit come upon these gifts that they might become for us the Body and Blood of Christ. Through the Holy Spirit simple bread and wine become food for our hearts and souls, uniting the Body of Christ to our own bodies. We are called to live in a continuous state of Epiclesis, calling the Holy Spirit into our lives to transform us. As we have received the Spirit of God we too are called to be agents of transformation, carrying that transforming Spirit to our homes, schools, workplace and to share it with everyone we meet so that we might become co-creators with God to transform the world so that thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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