Thursday, May 23, 2019

Sunday Gospel Reflection, May 26, 2019: Whoever loves me will keep my word...

How has the love of God expanded your vision?

  In his Last Supper discourse, recorded in John’s Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples that they must act always out of love:  Whoever loves me will keep my word.  If we open ourselves to Jesus, God’s absolute Word of love for us and for all humankind, we will remain open to relationship with him and allow that love to define us.  The Word is love is connection:  as Christ is one in the Father, we are to be one in Christ.  The source of that oneness is the very love in which we are made.  Moreover, if we are drawn more deeply into the love of Christ, we cannot help but see ourselves differently; we can’t hold on to our old identity if we are defined by God’s love.  And our new identity allows us to see ourselves, and others, in ways we did not before.  Jesus opens the disciples to see him with a new vision, to see him and themselves and everything else in a different, better light, so that love can last.  Love connects us to other, and God shines through us when we become transparent through his love.

  Paul and Barnabas have gone out to give witness to that love, and to all that God is doing in their lives; open to the love of Christ, their knowledge of this love as truth expands their ability to see, for now they see with their heart.  As a result, they can work to eradicate false teachings in the communities they visit in the Acts of the Apostles, fostering unity where there might otherwise be dissension.  In all they do, Paul and Barnabas model the love of Christ.  Through them, as Psalm 67 says, God’s way is made known upon earth, and all nations on earth can be glad and exult.  Seeing the prosperity of the psalmist’s community, others come to believe in God; likewise, seeing the fruits of the work of Paul and Barnabas will bring many to believe, again, fostering unity.

  In the Book of Revelation, the angel of God expands John beyond the limits that humans ordinarily set for themselves, giving him a new sense of identity as well.  The angel takes John in spirit to place where John is extended beyond the body, beyond the physical, to a spiritual place where his former vision is expanded and John sees what he did not understand before, because the glory of God gives him light.  As members of the Church, we too are meant to be a body of people living in the union that this light reveals because we allow God’s love to shine in us.

How might God’s love shine in you today?

This post is based on Fr. Pat’s Scripture class.
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