Friday, July 13, 2012

Called to Discipleship

Called to Discipleship

This summer OLMC is offering everyone an opportunity to participate in the “Called to Discipleship” series on Tuesday mornings (10:30-12) or evenings (7-8:30) in O'Brien Hall.  This past week, the topic under discussion was “The Church” – not as a static institution, but as a vibrant set of models to live by.

Class began with a meditation on a song by Amy Grant, followed by a challenge:  we were all asked to make a list of all the things we would look for in a church community if we were to move to a new town.  What we discovered as we shared these lists was the huge diversity of elements that make up what we call the Church, from the building to the liturgy to the community and its activities, including everything from proclamation to prayer.  Church, we found, is something we live, something we do, something we experience in and with one another, both at Mass and in our everyday lives.  Our discussion leader Mike shared Fr. Avery Dulles’ six models of the church with us, and we discovered how all of the traits we had mentioned as important to us in the notion of “Church” could fit into one or more of these overlapping domains:  Church as Mystery, as Community, as Sacrament, as Herald, as Servant, and as Institution. 

I think it’s accurate to say that all who participated in the conversation came away with a new appreciation for all of the ways in which we, as the Body of Christ, are the Church: we participate in its mystery, share in fellowship with the community, meet Jesus in the sacraments and in each other, and are responsible for passing on the Good News and serving those in need.  One, holy, catholic and apostolic Church – where we all have a place at the table!

All are invited to join us next week, when the topic of discussion will be “The Sacraments.”

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