Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Seeking Love

Seeking Love

There are no places inside you or in the whole of creation where God’s love does not exist.  It is alive in prisons and hospital wards, in concentration camps and foxholes, in earthquakes and hurricanes, in your own selfishness and addictions.  It is always crying out to your heart, and your heart is awake, responding.  Seek it and trust it.

Trust it, or risk it, as the case may be, in solitude, at home, at work, in play, in relationships, in pain, in grief, in laughter.  Just as there are no exceptions in the places of creation, there are none in the moments and phases of your life.  You never know what form love will take, but you can trust that it is there, and you can trust your desire for it.

Creation needs you for your love; love needs you for your creation.  God needs you for yourself.  Your heart has a sense of it already, and it is ready to join the flow of grace to guide you into ever-expanding presence.  Seek the presence of love everywhere.  Let there be no dark corners.

Text source:  Gerald May, The Awakened Heart
Photo source

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