Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Finding sweetness in God's commandments (St. Francis de Sales)

    Many keep the commandments as sick men take medicines, more from fear of dying in a state of damnation than from love of living according to our Savior's pleasure. But as some persons have an aversion for medicine, be it ever so agreeable, only because it bears the name of medicine, so there are some souls who abhor things commanded simply because they are commanded. There was a certain man, they say, who, having lived quietly in the great city of Paris for the space of fourscore years without ever going out of it, as soon as it was enjoined him by the king that he should remain there the rest of his days, went abroad to see the country, which in his whole lifetime before he had not desired. 

   On the other hand, the loving heart loves the commandments; and the harder they are, the more sweet and agreeable he finds them, because it more perfectly pleases the Beloved, and gives him more honor. The loving heart pours forth and sings hymns of joy when God teaches it his commandments and justifications. And as the pilgrim who merrily sings on his way adds indeed the exertion of singing to that of walking, and yet actually, by this increase of labour, re-energizes himself, and lightens the hardship of the way; even so the sacred lover finds such sweetness in the commandments, that nothing so much eases and refreshes him, as the gracious load of the precepts of his God. 

--St. Francis de Sales,
Treatise on the Love of God,
Book VIII, chapter 5 

Image source: https://chadd.org/adhd-weekly/better-tasting-medicines-improve-treatment-outcomes/
Quotation source

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