Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Those who work for justice (Albert Schweitzer / Cecila Espinoza)

The great enemy of morality is indifference. 

--Albert Schweitzer 

    Pope Francis reminds us that “God will destroy the barriers created between nations and replace the arrogance of the few with the solidarity of many. The marginalization painfully experienced by millions of persons cannot go on for long. Their cry is growing louder and embraces the entire earth.” (Message for 3rd World Day of the Poor, no. 4) 

   “Commitment to the promotion of the poor, including their social promotion, is not foreign to the proclamation of the Gospel. On the contrary, it manifests the realism of Christian faith and its historical validity. The love that gives life to faith in Jesus makes it impossible for his disciples to remain enclosed in a stifling individualism or withdrawn into small circles of spiritual intimacy, with no influence on social life” (cf. Exhort. Ap. Evangelii Gaudium, 183). 

   So where is Jesus Christ today? Without a doubt, where two or more gather in his Name! In those who work for justice and the common good: in those who work for the protection of the rights of workers, for the access of the poor to health, for the reform of the judicial and criminal system, for improving living conditions, overcoming poverty, reducing violence, guns, and drug use, etc.

--Cecilia Espinoza 

Image source: https://cfc.sebts.edu/faith-and-economics/what-did-jesus-really-teach-about-wealth-and-poverty/
Quotation source 1
Quotation source 2

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