Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sunday Gospel Reflection, September 22, 2024: The wisdom from above is pure...

Do we trust in the wisdom of God? 

    In the Book of Wisdom, the wicked do not understand how God works, and so they rely on their own so-called knowledge when making and defending their own choices. They beset the just one because he is obnoxious to them; they do what they like because they have no sense of life after death. They feel no connection to their community, but simply give free rein to their own ambition. The community to which the Letter of James is addressed must take care not to follow this model: Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice, James tells them. Any community, like that of the Book of Wisdom, that has defined its own notion of what is acceptable without taking into account God’s wisdom, will result in conflict: war within their members. 

    The ambition of the disciples becomes clear in Mark’s Gospel when they begin to discuss among themselves who is the greatest. Jesus has much to share with them, and this knowledge is crucial, pertaining to his coming passion and death. But they are hung up on their own selfish ambition, competition, and jealousy. Jesus must place a child in their midst to get them back on the right track: Whoever receives one child such as this receives me, he says. Who is the greatest? The one who serves the needs of the least, who works to redress the imbalances of the world through kindness and compassion, according to God’s wisdom from above, which is pure, peaceable, gentle and compliant. 

    The psalmist knows better than the wicked or the disciples: The Lord upholds my life, the psalmist proclaims in Psalm 54. His heart is faithful, grounded not in his own self-constructed wisdom, but in the wisdom of God, and he is ready to praise the name of the Lord for his goodness. Would that we might do the same! 

This post is based on Fr. Pat’s Scripture class.
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