Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Living lives that reflect justice (Fr. Ron Rolheiser)

   The demand to live lives that reflect justice and real concern for the poor is an integral and non-negotiable part of Christian discipleship. It’s not something that is grounded in some particular ideology which I can buy into or neglect, as long as I am living honestly and prayerfully in my private life. It’s an essential part of the gospel, equal in demand to praying, going to church, and keeping my private moral life in order. For a Christian, it is not enough just to be pious, good, and church-going. 

--Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI,
Facebook, October 12, 2022

Image source: President Lyndon B. Johnson shakes the hand of a resident of Appalachia during an official tour to assess poverty in America, 1964,
Quotation source

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